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Top Safety Tip To Follow When Working in Construction


People learn from mistakes. And, this also means in the field of heavy equipment. There are reasons why heavy equipment safety procedures are followed. Time and time again, in the past, operators have become seriously injured or killed, due to someone deciding to forgo the rules and regulations of safety.

Working in the construction is a hazard to workers and nonworkes. Motor vehicle safety in relation to highway work zones is one of the top hazards. Most of the time, issues are related to heavy equipment use.

With heavy equipment, making a single mistake can unfortunately cause a chain reaction of negative consequences. These safety hazards have an impact on both to the site itself and more importantly to worker health and safety. In fact, all across the world, people are crushed and killed each year by falling heavy equipment, struck by swinging backhoes, run over, or pinned between vehicles and site walls or other equipment. Most people do not realize that construction equipment’s potential for crushing and toppling over is great.

Here are ideas and tips for staying safe when working around heavy construction equipment. These tips can save you or a teammate’s life.

  • Always inspect your equipment. It doesn’t take that long and should be a part of your everyday routine
  • Work as a team to keep safe. If you have a problem with visual contact or have a blind spot, make sure you have someone you can work with. Technically an ultra safety move would be to also install a loud reverse alarm.
  • Don’t just double check, triple check. This is a field that doesn’t mind you repeating your checks. Triple check that all individuals and co-workers are clear out of the area before dumping a load of materials or other machinery off of a piece of heavy equipment.
  • Know what your heavy equipment can carry. Going over the exceeded amount a machine can carry according to the manual can cause issues such as toppling over.
  • Understand that you need to wear safety clothes that are made for this type of work. All workers should wear bright protective clothing and signs that are highly visible should be set up in a way to discourage non-workers from entering a site. Protect your shoes, hands and face too.

If you are thinking about getting into heavy construction, think about us, the Heavy Construction Academy. We will prepare you for a life of excitement and teach you what you need to know to keep safe.

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